About Me

Jack Kay is a professor of communication at Eastern Michigan University. He studies the power of language.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Virginia Legislation Regarding Abortion

The following link describes recent legislation passed in Virginia that requires a woman to have an ultrasound performed before receiving the right to abort. Not only is this law absolutely archaic and atrocious --- it requires the woman to absorb another medical cost no reason (than to keep bible-wielding republicans theoretically happy until another planned parenthood pops up.)



  1. 1. There is a movement right now in the public health discipline to "keep politics out of public health." I think this topic serves as a great example of how health, in all facets, is inherently political.

    2. Though I don't see this as literally archaic (a word that means "old fashioned"), I do agree it is regressive for women's rights and bodily autonomy. The world needs more women politicians. Wouldn't it be nice if women were the primary legislators for issues of women's health?

    3. How ironic that Virginia allows capital punishment. I wonder if the governor meets the sentenced person's family before he orders the execution?


  2. This law not only boxes women with invasive bodily tactics, it effects them monetarily, it forces them to take two days off of work, one to have the ultrasound performed, and another to have the abortion performed. It is an attempt to harness the emotional in a situation that is already difficult to deal with. This is a control issue as well as a religious issue, Gov. Whatshisface has deeply embedded gender ideals about the role of women, and quite apparently having a say over what and who has access to their body is not one of them.
