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Jack Kay is a professor of communication at Eastern Michigan University. He studies the power of language.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fluke on Limbaugh comment: 'I'm not going to be silenced'

by guest blogger Patrice G.

The article below highlights how people attack people with words, which are not even fitting to describe them as- simply because the views and opinions of others' are different from their views and opinions pertaining to various issues and topics discussed. Illuminates in the article and video is how some people target others' with derogatory names, because others' have different views and opinions and because others' challenge their views and opinions. The situation is an example of how people create a context or take what other's say out of context as a excuse to call/label others as things which are not indicative of who a person is, the things they said, say, do, or the life they live.

It's quite obvious the Georgetown Law Student Sandra Fluke was attacked by Rush Limbaugh who used words including the word "Slut" to inflict judgment and pain towards Fluke, because her views do not coincide with his views and opinions pertaining to contraception. Rush Limbaugh and others' like him attempt to use words to silence people from continuing to share their views and opinions in life, but Fluke refused and continues to refuse to be silenced by Limbaugh's attempt to intimidate her with hurtful words he used to define her, her views, and the reasoning for her views.

So, I pose the following questions:

Do you agree with Rush Limbaugh that Sandra Fluke views about contraception makes her a "Slut"-Yes or No, Why? Explain.

How would you feel if someone called/labeled you with derogatory names, because they don't agree with your views and opinions and like Fluke you know you're none of the things you have been called/labeled?

Do you think it would it ever truly be possible to decrease and/or stop people from calling/labeling people as derogatory names, because others' views and opinions don't agree with theirs-Yes or No, Why? Explain.

Put yourself in Flukes situation. What actions would you take if an individual or group called/labeled you derogatory names, simply because your views and opinions did not agree with theirs? Would you stop voicing your views and opinions? Would you choose to be silent?

Instead of Slut, what if because of your views and opinions you were called/labeled something you're not like Fluke: Hoe, Bitch, Nigger, Frigid, Faggot, Racist, Homophobe, Bigot, Anti-Semitic, Stupid, Dumb, Pickaninny, Uncle Tom, Mammy, Aunt Jemima, Buck, Senile, Shrew, Coon, Spade, Wetback, White trash, Whore, Shiftless, Peon, Nip, Jap, Dyke, Lesbian, Broad, Airhead etc…How would you feel? What would you do?

Posted by

CNN Senior Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash

(CNN) - The Georgetown law student targeted by Rush Limbaugh for her position on contraceptives said Friday she was "upset and outraged" when she first heard the radio talk show host had called her a "slut."

"I felt probably the way many women do when they are called those types of names," Sandra Fluke told CNN. "Initially hurt and then very quickly upset and outraged because somebody is trying to silence you."

Fluke, who advocated last week in a Democratic hearing for the Obama policy requiring employers provide free contraception coverage, said she was sitting at a computer Wednesday when she read online that Limbaugh had personally attacked her during his radio show.

Calling her a "slut" and "prostitute," Limbaugh has said if taxpayers are going to pay for women to have sex, then they should post videos of their activities so everyone can watch.

His comments have sparked a firestorm in the last two days, with Democrats seizing on it as an opportunity to keep the political story alive.

President Barack Obama called Fluke on Friday to offer his support.

"That wasn't on my schedule for the day," Fluke joked, referring to Obama's call. "But I was happy to add that to the schedule."

The law student told CNN she thinks Limbaugh was "confused" about her testimony.

"For starters, I didn't say that I should be paid for anything. What we were talking about is private insurance covering a medical need. It has nothing to do with the government paying for anything or taxpayers or anything like that," she said.

While Fluke attends a Jesuit university that does not cover contraception as part of its health insurance plans, the school's president defended Fluke on Friday.

Religiously-affiliated institutions, like Georgetown, oppose providing contraception.

While some Republicans argue abstinence as the best form of birth control, Fluke said legislation needs to be realistic.

"We're talking about national legislation. Legislation has to reflect reality, not ideology and I don't think that we can actually expect that American women are going to stop engaging in healthy sexual behaviors," Fluke said.

But the law student said women are not going to be "silenced" about the issue.

"They're going to speak up for health care needs and what this means to them and I'm certainly not going to be silenced," she said.

Article and Video Link:



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. For an interesting perspective on the situation, see Maureen Dowd's comments in the New York Times Sunday Review: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/04/opinion/sunday/dowd-have-you-no-shame-rush.html?_r=2&hp

    1. I think my favorite line was...

      "Isn’t this the last guy who should be pointing fingers and accusing others of taking pills for recreational purposes?"

      - Courtney

  3. Women are dealing with a double edge sword on this issue. If a woman is sexually active and becomes pregnant, it stagnates her promotional ability, if we demand as a population, birth control so that we may personally regulate our reproductive needs, we are labeled as promiscuous or a "slut". We do not deal with ethical blowback on insurance issues dealing with things like type II diabetes- which is a choice of how we eat that leads us to obesity that causes taxpayers HUGE amounts of dollars. Why is this any different other than it bothers some very conservative control freaks.

  4. Calling someone a derogatory name is completely different than calling someone a bigot. They're not even comparable. If an individual doesn't want to be labeled as a racist, they shouldn't espouse (or at least publicly express) racist perspectives.

    Taking a pro-prophylactic position does not make a woman a "slut," but taking an anti-gay position does make a person a homophobe.

  5. What about labels like:

    * sinner
    * abomination
    * damned
    * ungodly

    Do these labels count as offensive, oppressive, etc.?

  6. very Interesting Article!...very deep, I like it!...
    But to answer your question:
    Do you agree with Rush Limbaugh that Sandra Fluke views about contraception makes her a "Slut"-Yes or No, Why? Explain...

    I disagree with the state, because Rush Limbaugh misinterpreted what she said...to re-emphasize what she stated she wanted private insurance to cover medical needs. Religiously-affiliated institutions, like Georgetown, does not provide contraception to help with Natural norm behavior like sex. Fluke is looking to get help with help insurance that foster programs for women. If it were me, I would have reacted in the same manner. Speaking out and setting the record straight on what was stated. Although abstinence is one of the best ways to prevent pregnancy. Practicing safe sex is next best way...so yea good article...
