About Me

Jack Kay is a professor of communication at Eastern Michigan University. He studies the power of language.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Racism in Obama's America One Year Later

by guest blogger Patrice G.

Racism exemplifies ignorance in its highest form and it can be identified in some of the highest positions in government. President Obama being the First Black President of the United States evidently provoked various former and current government officials to show their true colors. The Sarah Netter, January 27, 2010 article “Racism in Obama's America One Year Later”, which can be found on http://abcnews.go.com/WN/Obama/racism-obamas-america-year/story?id=9638178#.Tx9StJhuGFI identifies numerous former and current government officials voicing their opinions on the election of President Obama.

Senate Majority Leader Harry ReidThen, Jan. 2010: One of several high-profile politicians to merit a mention in the controversial book "Game Change," Reid, a Democrat and longtime Obama ally, was cited in the book for describing the president before his election as a "'light-skinned' African American, 'with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.'" Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich Then, Jan. 2010: Illinois' disgraced former governor told Esquire magazine, "I'm blacker than Barack Obama. I shined shoes. I grew up in a five-room apartment. My father had a little laundromat in a black community not far from where we lived. I saw it all growing up." Tennessee State GOP Staffer Sherri Goforth Then, June 2009: The legislative aid for Republican state Sen. Diane Black was reprimanded in June for forwarding an e-mail image showing all the presidential portraits, with Barack Obama appearing only as a set of white eyes on a black background. She later told the online publication NashvilleisTalking.com that she only felt bad about sending it to the wrong list of people. How can those who are supposed to be of higher intelligence portray a mindset of such ignorance? Similar to the writings of Dr. William Pierce discussed in the assigned reading for CTAC 592 “Hate Speech or Reasonable Racism”, the government officials comments above proves no matter how “book smart” a person can be or become-people can be twice as ignorant as they are intelligent. I believe immediate removal of government officials should be a tactic to show a zero tolerance policy for such ignorance as racism, because it is apparent being reprimanded has no effect at all.

What are your thoughts on the "Racism is Obama's America One Year Later," which can be found on


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