About Me

Jack Kay is a professor of communication at Eastern Michigan University. He studies the power of language.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Mike Ramsdell's film, The Anatomy of Hate: A Dialogue for Hope, provides a powerful look at hate through the sounds and images of white supremacists, religious fundamentalists, soldiers and others. The 2009 film has enjoyed many screenings on college campuses, has won awards at several film festivals and has been broadcast on television. To view clips of the film or purchase a copy, go to The Anatomy of Hate website.

Filmmaker Ramsdell comments on what he learned:
"What I found was, for me, life changing. There was no boogieman, no devil, nor any person(s) of evil at the center of all this violence, war, and hate. Instead I found a planet full of creatures doing their best to fill the void of existence with limited psychological tools, and emotional shortcomings – myself included. And instead of embracing these shortcomings and using them as empathetic links to our fellow men, I discovered that we are tucking them into the shadows of our psyche, turning them into mythological jabberwockies that we can project onto others, declaring those 'others' as inferior, evil, or deserving of death. Then we use God, nationalism, or any other cultural concoction as rationalizations for this insanity, oblivious that in doing such we are tapping into the same primitive thought patterns which we have just condemned our “enemies” for espousing. It is an overwhelming cycle when judged by the pain, death, and destruction it has caused."

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