I received a "back to school" letter today from Morris Dees, founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center, seeking contributions to make resources available to teachers. Please consider this appeal. Mr. Dees wrote:
"With hate groups at record levels and extremism growing, it's critical that we nurture acceptance in our schools. Too many impressionable children are being exposed to hateful rhetoric in the media and, sadly, in their own schools. Here are just a few recent examples:
- A Utah student wore a KKK hood and shouted "white power."
- A black California student was chained to his locker while teammates allegedly yelled "slave for sale."
- A North Carolina teacher told an American child of Latino heritage to "go back to your own country!"
Our Teaching Tolerance program is making a real difference. For example, more than 50,000 copies of our free film kit about anti-LGBT bullying, Bullied, have already been sent to schools. Our Teaching Tolerance magazine goes to more than 400,000 teachers twice each year. The next issue mails in just a couple of weeks at a cost of more than $350,000.
Today, I'm asking if you will send whatever you can afford to help meet the demand for our free tolerance education materials and our other work for justice. Your gift now will help us accomplish even more in the year ahead."
Dees photo" border="1" height="140" width="100"> Sincerely,
Dees" border="0" height="29" width="190">
Morris Dees
Founder, Southern Poverty Law Center
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