About Me

Jack Kay is a professor of communication at Eastern Michigan University. He studies the power of language.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pacific Northwest Crime Spree Linked to White Supremacists

Fox News
Couple Admits to Deadly Northwest Crime Spree

An Oregon man and his girlfriend have admitted to killing the man's father and stepmother in a 5-day crime spree that authorities said ultimately left four dead across the Pacific Northwest.

David Joseph Pedersen, 31, told a California newspaper in a story published Monday that he killed his father and was responsible for the three other killings in Washington, Oregon and California. His 24-year-old girlfriend, Holly Grigsby, separately described to investigators in Washington state how she killed Pedersen's stepmother using two knives.

Pedersen and Grigsby have pleaded not guilty to charges of weapons possession and vehicle theft, and their bail was set at $1 million. They are expected in court Tuesday for an extradition hearing. They have not been charged in the killings.

Both share an interest in white supremacy ideology, with Pedersen prominently displaying a white supremacy tattoo on his neck. Grigsby's white supremacist leanings were made clear to fellow inmates at Oregon's women's prison.


One of two suspects in a Northwest killing spree that left four people dead wrote in a letter to a newspaper that they killed the last victim, in California, because he was "non-white."

The Oregonian newspaper reports (http://bit.ly/owQtWB ) it received the letter discussing the killing from David "Joey" Pedersen.

Since their arrest the two white supremacists have given statements and interviews bragging about the crimes they are accused of committing.

In his letter to The Oregonian, Pedersen used white supremacist justifications for the death of Clark. Pedersen wrote he and Grigsby decided to kill a "non-white."

"We felt it'd be optimal if, in securing another vehicle, we could also take some riffraff off the street," Pedersen wrote.

He said the pair planned to travel to the "first large city" to give them some "breathing room to operate and in which we would have a number of options to choose from when it came to the selection of a target."

Grigsby and Pedersen have sought to portray themselves as warriors on a campaign to — as Grigsby put it in an interview with a California newspaper — keep "our race" from "being wiped out."

Grigsby told investigators they killed Myers because the teen's last name made them think he was Jewish. But in a later newspaper interview she said they didn't know his name until they had taken his wallet. Myers was a devout Christian.

In his letter to The Oregonian, Pedersen said he and Grigsby had set out to "strike out as often as possible at various members of the Jewish community here in America.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Winter Teaching Assignment: The Language of Oppresion

I am pleased to announce that in the Winter, 2012 semester I will be teaching a special topics class titled "The Language of Oppression" in the Communication, Media and Theatre Arts at Eastern Michigan University. This combined graduate/undergraduate class will focus on the language strategies used in promoting such ism's as racism, sexism, ageism, and others. A major part of the course will look at the strategies to move from the language of oppression to the language of liberation.

Center for the Study of Equality and Human Rights

I am pleased to have been involved in the establishment of the Center for the Study of Equality and Human Rights, housed in the Communication, Theatre and Media Arts Department at Eastern Michigan University. The Center was created by a wonderful gift from Dr. Timothy J. Dyer, a former Regent of Eastern Michigan University. The Center is directed by Dr. Dennis Patrick, a faculty member in the CMTA Department. Dr. Dyer's generous gift to EMU created the Dr. Timothy J. Dyer Distinguished Interdisciplinary Chair in Forensics/Debate and Human Rights.

The mission of the Center for the Study of Equality and Human Rights is "to advance and promote research on equality and human rights, with a primary focus on eliminating homophobia in our society. The Center supports faculty and student research on bias, bigotry, and heterosexism in the United States and is intended to one day be the regional hub for LGBT research."

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Every day I walk to and from my new office I pass by a wonderful garden in front of the Quirk Building. The garden draws attention to a peace pole that presents in multiple languages the all-important phrase, "May Peace Prevail on Earth." What a wonderful way to begin each work day.

Omorembe obe ase ense
Neka mir zavlada na zemlii
Masibe Uxolo emHlabeni
Möge Friede auf Erden sein
Que la paz prevalezca en la tierra
Ke tumau te filemu ite lalolagi
Wo' wa'hwa la ma'ka a'kan u'num'we
Dunidu nabad ha ku waarto

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The fall 2011 SPLC Report (Southern Poverty Law Center) presents the great story of a violent skinhead who rejected his racist past. Byron Widner not only worked to organize skinhead groups during his sixteen years in the movement but also had his face tattooed with insignias of hate.

The great literary theorist and philosopher Kenneth Burke develops a scheme that looks at human being as going through stages of pollution, guilt, purification, and redemption. Thankfully, Mr. Widner has entered the redemption phase, not only renouncing his racist past, but seeking redemption by undergoing painful surgeries over two years to remove the symbols of hate that covered his face. Widner's story was told by MSNBC over the summer in the documentary Erasing Hate. The Southern Poverty Law Center aided Mr. Widner in his quest for redemption.

Mark Fallon, writing on a web site of The Berkshire Company, presents a wonderful recount of Widner's story in "Real Change is Always Possible." Click here to see the article.

To see a promo for Erasing Hate on YouTube click here. Caution: the images are disturbing.

Learn more about the Southern Poverty Law Center by visiting their web site.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


How sad. The latest government report shows one in six people in the US are living in poverty and at 46.2 million people this is the highest number in the history of record keeping. What can we do? See the New York Times for more information on this US Census report.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


The events of September 11, 2001, profoundly changed our generations in ways that we are just now discovering. Shortly after the second jet plane crashed into the second tower of the World Trade Center, our nation ground to a halt, abandoning business as usual. 

We fixated on the surreal images of burning and collapsing buildings; We watched the planes slice into the towers, over and over, we watched; We turned our heads to avoid seeing television images of human beings freefalling from the upper stories of the Yamazaki designed skyscraper; We zeroed in on the anguished faces of first responders, rescue workers and survivors; We watched as relatives and friends of the victims aimlessly walked the streets of Manhattan, holding photographs of their loved ones, desperately hoping for the miracle; We hugged our children, we prayed, we cried, we sought information; And we talked. Ten years later the images of 9/11 remain etched in our consciousness. We now live in a world where words such as “terror alert,” “extremist,” and “Al Qaida” have become part of our lexicon.

As we pause to remember the people of 9/11 we inherently focus on the past. But from that past we see a context for the present and the future. 9/11 was a manifestation of hate. We must commit to end the hate.

My advice for what to do on 9/11? Hug your loved ones. Commit to a world full of love and free of hate.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


In the beginning there was the word—and the word was used for good and the word was used for evil.

Every hour someone commits a hate crime. Every day eight African Americans, three whites, three gays, three Jews, two Arab Americans, and one Latino become hate crime victims. Every week a cross is burned.

Since the early 1980s I have spent considerable time studying extremist groups, hate crimes and the language of oppression. My studies have taken me to Ku Klux Klan marches, to Aryan Nations gatherings, to a sedition trial of white supremacist leaders, and to meetings at which members of The Order, a white supremacist terrorist organization, were present.

My studies took me to a place that is frightening and appalling—a world that shocks the sensibility of anyone who reveres human life.

In the world of white supremacy leaders preach that it is the divine mission of Aryan warriors to strike out against all those whose skin is darker than theirs, to take over the government of the United States of America, and to eliminate all enemies. 

And then, on April 19, 1995, in Oklahoma City, a domestic terrorist detonated a fertilizer bomb at the Murrah Federal Building—bringing terrorism to the heartland of our nation, and taking the lives of 168 innocent human beings.

We had no idea then that this incident of terrorism would be multiplied 40 fold just 6 years later on September 11, 2001, changing the 21st century, and our generations forever.

Our media has devoted many hours to determining why these tragic events occurred. Theories abound. In the final analysis, however, I think we will find that the common factor is HATE. In the case of the Oklahoma City tragedy, Timothy McVeigh, had been taught to hate so vehemently that he lashed out at the federal government, punctuating his actions by claiming that the innocent children were merely casualties of war. In the case of the tragedies of last week, it appears likely that the terrorists had also been taught to hate.

In the beginning there was the word, and the word was used for good and the word was used for evil.

We are not born to hate—rather hate is rhetorically constructed. As a professor of communication the most fundamental unit I study is the word. In the case of white supremacists, my attention is focused on how they use the word to oppress and to propagate hate. 
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."
We have all heard this childhood ditty—and I think most of us know that words can indeed hurt. In fact, there is considerable evidence that words not only hurt, but can oppress, wound and even provoke the devastation we saw in Oklahoma City, New York City and our nation’s capital.

Think of the role that words and names have played in world history—Pre-World War II Germany where Hitler justified his final solution by labeling Jews as vermin, bacilli and roaches; The indigenous people of North America, called savages, half-breeds, scalp hunting barbarians; The history of slavery in or nation where African Americans were defined as chattel, less than a complete human being. In all these cases, once a group is dehumanized, their victimization is enabled.

And think of some of the rhetoric that is going on right now concerning our neighbors of Middle Eastern descent or who believe in Islam. The words we find in our Internet chat rooms and on t-shirts are frightening.

It is interesting to note that our media does not refer to members of white supremacist groups in the U.S. as Christian extremists, yet they are quick to use the label Middle Eastern terrorists or Islamic extremists, even though the terrorists are no more representative of Islam and the Middle East as white supremacists are representative of Christianity.

Our hearts and thoughts go out to the thousands of victims of last week’s tragic events. We must make sure, however, that in a rush to judgment more innocent human beings are not victimized. NAFSA, the Association of International Educators, issued the following statement:
“It is vital to remember that the atrocities of this week originate in extremist and radical organizations, and do not represent the broader beliefs or values of any particular national, religious or ethnic group. The actions of groups that lack regard for human life must not lead to misguided judgments about ethnic or religious minorities in our midst. Our neighbors are not responsible for these acts. Our neighbors are hurting too. If we turn against our neighbors because they look foreign or are religiously different, we deny the very values that we seek to defend.”
In the beginning there was the word—and the word was used for good and the word was used for evil. Thus far my focus has been on how the word is used to promote evil. But think, if those that hate use words to oppress, why can’t the word be used to uplift, empower and liberate?

All across our nation people are standing up to hate, using words to promote tolerance, understanding and an appreciation for diversity.

The Southern Poverty Law Center tells us that to confront hate we must ACT:
“Do something in the face of hatred—apathy will be interpreted as acceptance, by the haters, the public and, worse, the victim”
As citizens of the world we need to reach out to those who may feel unsafe in our communities, letting them know that they are welcome. This may be as simple as smiling and saying hello to those who we pass on the streets. When we hear people making misguided statements we need to speak out. Now, more than ever, we need unity.

In the beginning there was the word—and the word was used for good and the word was used for evil. Let all of us use the word better than those who use it to hate. Let us use the word to uplift, empower and liberate.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Think of a small group of young white men driving sixty miles to go hunting. Hunting not for deer or raccoon, but for a black man. A scene from an old movie exposing the Ku Klux Klan? Unfortunately not. Rather, on July 7, 2011, the Associated Press reported that earlier in the month two young white men drove to a predominantly African-American section of Jackson, Mississippi, stopping at a hotel just off the highway, and allegedly assaulting James Craig Anderson, a 49 year-old African American auto worker. The men were reported as using their pickup truck to run over the man, resulting in his death. The prosecutor stated: "Dedmon murdered this victim because he was a black man. We do have information that they were rejoicing after killing the victim." The alleged assailants were jailed, with Dedmon held without bond.

Two days ago the family of James Anderson filed a wrongful death suit against the group of teenagers who were allegedly involved in the assault and murder. Ironically, Anderson's long-term male partner, with whom he was raising a daughter, was not allowed to join the suit because of the Defense of Marriage Act as well as the lack of protection for LGBTs under Mississippi law. The lawsuit names seven people who are depicted as piling into two vehicles and going on a hunt for a black man, any black man.

The Southern Poverty Law Center joined the Anderson family in filing the wrongful death suit. For more information on this matter, go to their news release. To view a CNN video covering the case click here.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Another excellent resource on opposing hate may be found in the Anti-Defamation League's A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE ® Institute. According to the ADL website, the institute is

"a leading provider of anti-bias education and diversity training programs and resources. The Institute seeks to help participants: recognize bias and the harm it inflicts on individuals and society; explore the value of diversity; improve intergroup relations; and combat racism, anti-Semitism and all forms of prejudice and bigotry."
For details about the Institute go to the ADL website. The ADL has also created a curriculum on cyberbullying. For more information go to the ADL website. The ADL has taken the lead to seek legislation on cyberbullying.


Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I received a "back to school" letter today from Morris Dees, founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center, seeking contributions to make resources available to teachers. Please consider this appeal. Mr. Dees wrote:

"With hate groups at record levels and extremism growing, it's critical that we nurture acceptance in our schools. Too many impressionable children are being exposed to hateful rhetoric in the media and, sadly, in their own schools. Here are just a few recent examples:

  • A Utah student wore a KKK hood and shouted "white power."
  • A black California student was chained to his locker while teammates allegedly yelled "slave for sale."
  • A North Carolina teacher told an American child of Latino heritage to "go back to your own country!"

Our Teaching Tolerance program is making a real difference. For example, more than 50,000 copies of our free film kit about anti-LGBT bullying, Bullied, have already been sent to schools. Our Teaching Tolerance magazine goes to more than 400,000 teachers twice each year. The next issue mails in just a couple of weeks at a cost of more than $350,000.

Today, I'm asking if you will send whatever you can afford to help meet the demand for our free tolerance education materials and our other work for justice. Your gift now will help us accomplish even more in the year ahead."

Morris <span class=Dees photo" border="1" height="140" width="100">

Morris <span class=Dees" border="0" height="29" width="190">
Morris Dees
Founder, Southern Poverty Law Center

Become a friend of the Southern Poverty Law Center on Facebook. Contribute at: http://www.splcenter.org

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


A statement I share in many of my lectures dealing with communication and hate comes from the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2004:
"More than in generations past, young Americans are being taught to accept differences and embrace diversity. But . . . there's a disturbing counter-trend: Hate activity among kids has probably never been more widespread, or more violent."
What are high schools and colleges doing to teach about hate? What should they be doing? Your comments are welcome.

The Southern Poverty Law Center makes available great material through its Teaching Tolerance program. For more information, visit the SPLC web site.



Mike Ramsdell's film, The Anatomy of Hate: A Dialogue for Hope, provides a powerful look at hate through the sounds and images of white supremacists, religious fundamentalists, soldiers and others. The 2009 film has enjoyed many screenings on college campuses, has won awards at several film festivals and has been broadcast on television. To view clips of the film or purchase a copy, go to The Anatomy of Hate website.

Filmmaker Ramsdell comments on what he learned:
"What I found was, for me, life changing. There was no boogieman, no devil, nor any person(s) of evil at the center of all this violence, war, and hate. Instead I found a planet full of creatures doing their best to fill the void of existence with limited psychological tools, and emotional shortcomings – myself included. And instead of embracing these shortcomings and using them as empathetic links to our fellow men, I discovered that we are tucking them into the shadows of our psyche, turning them into mythological jabberwockies that we can project onto others, declaring those 'others' as inferior, evil, or deserving of death. Then we use God, nationalism, or any other cultural concoction as rationalizations for this insanity, oblivious that in doing such we are tapping into the same primitive thought patterns which we have just condemned our “enemies” for espousing. It is an overwhelming cycle when judged by the pain, death, and destruction it has caused."

Comments? Reaction?

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I have spent thirty years studying the rhetoric of white supremacist groups such as the Aryan Nations, White Aryan Resistance, and neo-Nazi Skinheads. My studies have taken me to a world filled with hate, not love; bigotry, not tolerance; oppression, not liberation.

I have given many lectures in which I describe the communication strategies of these groups, focusing on their powerful use of words and symbols to promote their vision of supremacy. I have watched as these groups focused on the "other." Jews and African-Americans are portrayed by white supremacists as sub-human, "false starts in G-d's" quest to create man." Like Hitler, the white supremacists label Jews "cockroaches, vermin and bacilli."

Last night I watched a video that I was sent for contributing to my local PBS station. The video was of a PBS special from 2004 featuring Peter, Paul and Mary, Carry it On. On the video, trio member Mary Travers, who died in 2009, states: "If we are going to teach the world to stop hating the different, the other, then we are are going to have to start with children."

So, my friends, I have started this blog in the hope that through collective wisdom we can find the means needed for ending oppression and welcoming the other.

Please, share your ideas.

Prof Jack